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Podcast by Claudia Cedano


Welcome to a space for ex-pessimists to embrace optimism with an edge. This podcast is all about spiritual growth and personal development, wrapped in love and light but delivered with a dose of tough love. As a former pessimist who discovered the transformative power of optimism, I'm here to share insights, stories, and strategies that will help you on your journey to becoming your best self. Lets dive into topics that matter to self-aware individuals seeking real change. Whether you're looking to shift your mindset, overcome obstacles, or simply find a community of like-minded people, this podcast is for you. Thanks for listening! Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/claudia.cedano/

Latest episodes

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23 September 2024

Are You Choosing to Stay Stuck in the Past?

In this episode, I discuss why we sometimes choose to stay stuck in past stories, hurts, and traumas and how it impacts our current lives. I cover the importance of acknowledging, accepting, and healing from past experiences to stop them from dictating our present and future. By highlighting the need for self-awareness, I offer actionable steps to recognize and break free from these patterns, allowing us to climb life’s metaphorical mountain unburdened, enjoying the present without being weighed down by past baggage.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: instagram.com/claudia.cedano



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19 September 2024

From Going Through It to Growing Through It

In this episode, I discuss the shift from 'going through it' to 'growing through it,' emphasizing how adopting a growth mindset can change our perspective on life's hardships. Using personal experiences, such as handling rejection, I illustrate the benefits of seeing setbacks as redirections rather than failures. The episode encourages you to reflect on your triggers and work through issues to emerge stronger.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: instagram.com/claudia.cedano



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09 September 2024

Maybe It's Working Out for the Best...

In this episode, I recount the journey back from Hawaii, a trip that included an unexpected setback. Despite initial frustrations and anxieties, the situation was turned around by a shift in mindset and gratitude. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, the focus shifted to the blessings. Ultimately, everything worked out, including pet care arrangements, and the experience reinforced the power of a positive outlook in challenging situations.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: instagram.com/claudia.cedano



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02 September 2024

Let Go of the Need to Always Be Productive

In this episode, I discuss how to clear the need to constantly feel like you need to be productive. I walk through my own experiences that ingrained the belief that productivity equates to value. Through personal anecdotes and introspection, I emphasize the importance of rest and how it contributes to overall growth. I also offer practical tips to incorporate rest and fun into daily routines, encouraging you to redefine your self-worth beyond just your achievements.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: instagram.com/claudia.cedano



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26 August 2024

Embracing Spontaneity By Booking a Trip to Hawai'i

In this podcast episode, I share the story of my unexpected trip to Hawai'i after a spontaneous invite from my parents! The episode highlights the power of being open to new opportunities and the importance of saying yes to life's unexpected blessings. Packed with reflections on timing, intuition, and gratitude, I encourage listeners to embrace spontaneity and enjoy life's surprises.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: instagram.com/claudia.cedano



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12 August 2024

Don't Settle for Crumbs

In this episode, I discuss a valuable lesson on impatience. Impatience often leads us to settle for less, missing out on the better opportunities awaiting us. Practical advice on recognizing and managing impatient feelings through mindfulness is shared. By embracing patience, we can avoid making hasty decisions and ensure we receive the full "feast" rather than just settling for "crumbs".

Connect with Claudia on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/claudia.cedano

